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Share Your Plan

Share Your Plan

Share Your Plan

Congratulations! You learned about your options for end-of-life, you made your plan, now it's time for the most important part: sharing your plan with your loved ones. Here are some key tips:

  • Keep the original documents and make a copy for anyone who will be responsible for your arrangements. 
  • Store your documents with other important paperwork. Do not keep your plan in a safety deposit box as it won't be immediately accessible.
  • Ask your loved one when an appropriate time is to discuss your plan. If they're feeling uncomfortable, remind them that this is important to you and that your plan will reduce their stress when the time comes.
  • Share only what you've planned. Unfortunately, we often hear from people whose loved one said their cremation was paid for only to find out they never got around to it. What a surprise that was for their survivors!
  • Share why you made certain decisions. For example, it might be helpful for your loved ones to know why you want your ashes scattered in your favorite river so they may feel the beauty in honoring your wishes.
  • Remember PMA is here to help! Email us at with any questions.